Friday, December 07, 2012

Bintan Lagoon Resort

After the stress of all the term papers, boredom is a luxury. 

We packed the animals off to their nanny, and took a ferry to Bintan, where for three days, we did nothing but eat and sleep and look at the beach. There was plenty of lush greenery to roam through after meals. For a misanthrope like me, it is such a relief to be far from the madding crowd :P I asked specifically for a quiet room, and the resort was kind enough to put us so far from the everyone that we were the only guests in the entire wing! 

Fascinated by the antics of greedy sparrows during breakfast. A whole flock of them lined up on the rafters of the ceiling, flying down to dip into the milk jugs on the tables every now and then. It was only after I added milk into my coffee that I realised they had probably taken a drink out of my milk jug too :P Eek!
This naughty one is hogging the milk, chirping angrily to chase the others away.

1 comment:

Little Miss Titch said...

Look s lovely and sounds lovely,enjoy!